What Is the Right Size Furnace for My Home?
Selecting the right sized furnace for your home is important. If you select a furnace that is too small, it will not heat your home adequately on cold days and work harder than it should. If you select a furnace that is too large, it will "short cycle," meaning it will turn on and off too much. This process of turning on and off will shorten the life of the appliance and may cause excess moisture to accumulate in your home.
Methods of Furnace Sizing
To find the right sized furnace for your home, start by looking at the BTU of the furnace and its efficiency. BTU, which stands for British thermal units, is a measurement of how much heat a furnace produces. The BTU multiplied by the efficiency is the amount of heat a furnace gives off. For example, a 1000 BTU furnace that is 80 percent efficient gives off 800 BTUs of heat.
While it is easy to calculate the BTU, it is not as easy to determine how much BTU you need to heat your house. You can't just look at the square footage of your house alone to determine BTU. Factors including the number of windows you have, how well-insulated your house is, how well your ducts are sealed and the layout of your house all play an important role in determining the appropriate size of your furnace.
Determining Furnace Size
Because no simple tool determines furnace size, you have a few options. The easiest option, if you are replacing your furnace, is to look at your old furnace and see what size that was. That can give you an indication of appropriate sizing; however, if you are switching to a new type of furnace or purchasing a more energy efficient furnace, sizing may vary.
One method to try if looking at a new type of furnace, is to buy a J Load Calculation Manual, which is what contractors use to estimate furnace size. This manual from the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) helps you input all of the variables that contractors consider in determining furnace size, to get an indication of the appropriately sized furnace for your home.
An HVAC contractor can also provide you with an estimate. The HVAC contractor can come to your home and evaluate all of the relevant factors to tell you what size furnace you need. According to EnergyStart.com, many HVAC contractors will provide free estimates.
Calculate Furnace Size Yourself
Energy Star offers a free calculation tool that can help you determine the appropriate furnace size for your home. The free online calculation tool allows you to specify all of the different information about your home, and then gives you an estimated furnace size.
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The size of the house and how many windows it has can affect the selection of a good sized furnace. The size of the furnace will equal to the size of the house.
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